Spay & Neuter
At Love City Vet, we believe spaying and neutering is an important decision for all pet parents. Read below to learn more!
Spay & Neuter
At Love City Vet, we believe that spaying and neutering is an important decision as a pet parent. Surgery can help to control the pet population, but it also provides health benefits for your animal. Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to roam, which reduces their risk of being hit by a car or getting into fights. In addition, spaying eliminates the risk of life-threatening uterine infections (pyometra) and decreases the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and decreases the risk of prostate enlargement. Surgery also helps to reduce undesirable behaviors, making your pet more pleasant to be around. At Love City Vet, we are committed to educating and discussing with you the pros, cons, and timing of spaying and neutering your pet.